Get Legal Help Now

You can contact us if you need help with an immigration case and you were threatened, abused or severely harmed in your home country, or if you are afraid that this will happen to you if you are sent back to your home country. Please fill out the form below and wait for us to contact you. Please be patient because we have no staff – only volunteers.

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Initial Consultation

When a potential asylum seeker reaches out to us for help, we conduct a financial screening and then schedule an initial consultation to assess their situation and determine their eligibility for asylum. During this consultation, an experienced asylum attorney listens to their story with compassion and empathy, ensuring they feel heard and supported.

Candidate Selection

A small group of APA volunteer lawyers then reviews the confidential interview memorandum to discuss any issues in the case and evaluate the claim. We prioritize cases with the highest likelihood of success and the greatest need for our services.

Direct Legal Assistance

In some cases, quick intervention is needed – such as a motion to move the hearing from a remote location, or fast completion of forms to meet a looming deadline. A volunteer APA attorney helps clients with filings and may accompany them as a “Friend of the Court” to explain the situation to the immigration judge.

Legal Assistance

Once a candidate is selected for referral, we negotiate free or reduced legal fees with experienced immigration attorneys who specialize in asylum law. We use donations from generous supporters like you to make down payments so that low income asylum seekers can have expert guidance and representation during their asylum proceedings. If an asylum seeker has no income and no access to other resources, we pay all costs of representation.

Support Services

In addition to legal assistance, we coordinate with other non-profit organizations to offer support services to address the holistic needs of asylum seekers. This may include access to mental health resources, housing assistance, language interpretation services, and community referrals.

Legal Assistance

Once a candidate is selected for referral, we negotiate free or reduced legal fees with experienced immigration attorneys who specialize in asylum law. We use donations from generous supporters like you to make down payments so that low income asylum seekers can have expert guidance and representation during their asylum proceedings. If an asylum seeker has no income and no access to other resources, we pay all costs of representation.

Initial Consultation

When a potential asylum seeker reaches out to us for help, we conduct a financial screening and then schedule an initial consultation to assess their situation and determine their eligibility for asylum. During this consultation, an experienced asylum attorney listens to their story with compassion and empathy, ensuring they feel heard and supported.

Candidate Selection

A small group of APA volunteer lawyers then reviews the confidential interview memorandum to discuss any issues in the case and evaluate the claim. We prioritize cases with the highest likelihood of success and the greatest need for our services.

Direct Legal Assistance

In some cases, quick intervention is needed – such as a motion to move the hearing from a remote location, or fast completion of forms to meet a looming deadline. A volunteer APA attorney helps clients with filings and may accompany them as a “Friend of the Court” to explain the situation to the immigration judge.

Legal Assistance

Once a candidate is selected for referral, we negotiate free or reduced legal fees with experienced immigration attorneys who specialize in asylum law. We use donations from generous supporters like you to make down payments so that low income asylum seekers can have expert guidance and representation during their asylum proceedings. If an asylum seeker has no income and no access to other resources, we pay all costs of representation.

Support Services

In addition to legal assistance, we coordinate with other non-profit organizations to offer support services to address the holistic needs of asylum seekers. This may include access to mental health resources, housing assistance, language interpretation services, and community referrals.


Our commitment to our clients isn’t limited to individual cases. We keep abreast of developments in the field, alert supporters like you when there are threats to asylum seekers or opportunities for reform, and advocate to increase access to justice for asylum seekers.